Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2018

Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

Zhang Jin, Beijing
August 16, 2012
I am an elder sister with two faulty legs. Even when the weather is nice out, I have some trouble walking, but when the floodwaters were about to swallow me up, God allowed me to miraculously escape danger.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Knowing the Purpose and Significance of Each of the Three Stages of God’s Work——Eastern Lightning

Knowing the Purpose and Significance of Each of the Three Stages of God’s Work.

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
Knowing the Purpose and Significance of Each of the Three Stages of God’s Work

(1) The aim and significance of God’s work in the Age of Law
Relevant Words of God:
The work that Jehovah did in the Israelites established among humanity God’s earthly place of origin, His sacred place where He was present. He confined His work to the Israelite people. At first, He did not work outside of Israel; instead, He chose a people He found suitable in order to restrict the scope of His work. Israel is the place where God created Adam and Eve, and out of the dust of that place Jehovah made man; it is the base of His work on earth. The Israelites, who are the descendants of Noah and of Adam, were the foundation of Jehovah’s work on earth.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Know the purpose of the three stages of work of God’s management of mankind——Eastern Lightning

Know the purpose of the three stages of work of God’s management of mankind.

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
Know the purpose of the three stages of work of God’s management of mankind

Relevant Words of God:
My entire management plan, which spans six thousand years, consists of three phases, or three ages: first, the Age of Law; second, the Age of Grace (which is also the Age of Redemption); and finally, the Age of Kingdom. My work in these three ages differs according to the nature of each age, but at each stage it accords with man’s needs—or rather, it varies according to the tricks that Satan employs in My war against it. The purpose of My work is to defeat Satan, to make manifest My wisdom and omnipotence, to expose all Satan’s tricks and thereby to save all of humanity, which lives under its domain. It is to show My wisdom and omnipotence while at the same time revealing the hideousness of Satan. Moreover, it is to teach My creations to discriminate between good and evil, to recognize that I am the Ruler of all things, to see clearly that Satan is humanity’s foe, the lowest of the low, the evil one, and to make the difference between good and evil, truth and falsehood, holiness and filth, greatness and baseness, as clear as day. This way, ignorant humanity may bear witness to Me that it is not I who corrupt humanity, and only I—the Creator—can save humanity, can bestow upon them things for enjoyment; and they may come to know that I am the Ruler of all things and Satan is merely one of My creations, which later turned against Me. My six-thousand-year management plan is divided into three stages in order to achieve the following effect: to allow My creations to be My witnesses, to know My will, to see that I am the truth.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Yesterday I Was at Enmity with God, Arrogant and Domineering; Today I Bow My Head Before God, Too Ashamed to Show My Face |The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Christian
Yesterday I Was at Enmity with God, Arrogant and Domineering; Today I Bow My Head Before God, Too Ashamed to Show My Face | The Church Of Almighty God 

Wang Limin

Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province

In 1995, I turned to the Lord Jesus because of my illness. After believing in the Lord, I was soon healed by the Lord. Because of that, I pursued very hard and often preferred to go to the nearby villages to preach the gospel rather than go to work to earn money. Only one year later, I became a preacher of the Church of Truth.