Showing posts with label Know more of the Church of Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Know more of the Church of Almighty God. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's Salvation
The Church Of Almighty God

Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

Zhang Xuelou

Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

I was formerly a church leader in the Pentecostal Church and also a person who disobeyed and resisted Almighty God. As I had no discernment and firmly believed the rumors and the elder’s adverse words, and considered the “Eastern Lightning” a “heresy,” a “cult,” I resisted and blasphemed it desperately. It was not until I received God’s punishment and was confined to bed with serious illness that I was awakened. If God had not disciplined me so severely, I would still have been fooled and blinded by the rumors and have long died somewhere. It was the truth expressed by Almighty God in the last days that opened my spiritual eyes and aroused my heart of deep sleep, so that I prostrated myself in the light of God.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I Shed Tears of Regret Before God | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Salvation
I Shed Tears of Regret Before God | The Church Of Almighty God 

I Shed Tears of Regret Before God

Meng Shuhua

Kangping County, Liaoning Province

In 1993, I believed in the Lord Jesus (attending service in the Three-Self Church) in order that my husband’s disease could be cured. To pay his medical treatment, we were in deep debt. After his death, the heavy debt threw our family into poverty. So the Lord Jesus became the only reliance in my life. I pursued zealously in those years. In 1997, as jealousy, dispute, and scramble for power and position in the church intensified and I couldn’t bear it, I left the Three-Self Church and began to attend service in the “Way of Life Church.” My zeal and knowledge won me trust from Teacher Huang in the head church and the brothers and sisters, and I became a church leader. Soon, the number of believers in my church reached over one hundred. I took the church as my home and went around among the brothers and sisters preaching and sustaining them. However, I had never expected that I would become a latter-day Pharisee who hindered the spreading of Almighty God’s gospel of the last days.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

I Was an Arch-criminal Who Hindered the “Lambs” from Hearing God’s Voice | The Church Of Almighty God

 The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Christianity
The Church Of Almighty God

I Was an Arch-criminal Who Hindered the “Lambs” from Hearing God’s Voice

Qu Jie

Benxi City, Liaoning Province

I was once a preacher in the Three Grades of Servants Church. At the end of 1996, after the Three Grades of Servants Church collapsed, I joined the Justification by Faith Church and was selected the elder. In March 1999, I accepted the work of the last days of Almighty God. It was the words of Almighty God that opened the door of my heart, melted my hardened heart, and awakened my spirit in deep sleep so that I knew that I was an evil servant and an arch-criminal who hindered the lambs from hearing God’s voice.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

At Last I Found the True God | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Second coming of Jesus
At Last I Found the True God

At Last I Found the True God

Long Zhonghou

Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province

In October, 1986, I believed in Jesus because of my wife’s illness. In February, 1990, I joined the sect of “Hua Xuehe.” From then on, I ran around preaching the way of Hua Xuehe, rain or shine. For his sake, I withdrew from the Communist Party, resigned as schoolmaster of a primary school and teacher in the state sector, and sold all the three houses of my family and spent all the money preaching the gospel, and I was even caught into the police station twice and suffered many torments. However, for the sake of defending the way of Hua Xuehe, I never complained. So, I thought that by my faith and the price I had paid, I would surely go to heaven and receive eternal life in the future.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning, Christian
The Church Of Almighty God 

I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God

Li Fei

Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province

I was formerly a deacon of the Church of the True Jesus’ Bride. In my years of believing in God, I always considered myself as a true lover of God and a good soldier of Christ because I had offered up everything for the sake of “serving God only.” So I thought that one day I would surely ascend to the kingdom of heaven with Jesus on the same cloud. But when “Jesus” truly came to receive me, I became His enemy…

Saturday, November 11, 2017

It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Repent
It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed 

 It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed

Zhu Honghong

Haiyang City, Shandong Province

Almighty God says: “… if man has a heart that truly yearns for God, then he will not be abandoned by God. Man fails to gain God not because God has emotion, or because God is unwilling to be gained by man, but because man does not want to gain God, and because man does not urgently seek God. How could one of those who truly seeks God be cursed by God? How could one of sound sense and sensitive conscience be cursed by God? How could one who truly worships and serves God be consumed by the fires of His wrath? How could one who is happy to obey God be kicked out of God’s house? How could one who could not love God enough live in God’s punishment?” “Those who willfully stand against the incarnate God shall be punished for their disobedience. Their willful opposition to God stems from their conceptions of Him, which result in their disturbance to the work of God. Such men knowingly resist and destroy the work of God. Not merely do they have conceptions of God, but they do that which disturbs His work, and it is for this reason that such manner of men shall be condemned.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

God’s Discipline Drove Me to Seek and His Words Conquered Me | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, pray
 The Church Of Almighty God

 God’s Discipline Drove Me to Seek and His Words Conquered Me

Xin Yu

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

I was once a worker of the “Justification by Faith Church.” Since I believed in Jesus in 1987, I had expected that one day I would be received up into heaven by the Lord and enjoy the heavenly blessings. However, when the Lord “knocked” on my door, I took Him as a deceiver from Satan and condemned and resisted Him with all my effort. When I recall the past, I feel very regretful…

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me | The Church Of Almighty God

The Church Of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Truth
Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me | The Church Of Almighty God 

Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me

Xiao Lian

Xuancheng City, Anhui Province

Since I believed in Jesus, I had often read the Bible and memorized its verses, and the Bible had become my faithful companion. I held the view that God could only be found in the Bible, God would never work beyond the Bible, and whoever departed from the Bible was not a believer in God. So, for fifteen years, I took the Bible as the treasure, and I even put it at the head of my bed when I slept at night, which in my view meant that God would be with me. However, I had never expected that when God’s work of the last days came upon me, I resisted and condemned it with the Bible for six years, and actually became a Pharisee of the present age.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

New Gospel Movie | Know the Incarnate God | "The Mystery of Godliness: T...| The Church Of Almighty God

Lin Bo'en is an old preacher who has believed in the Lord for many decades. Since accepting Almighty God, Christ of the last days, he was convicted, excluded, and expelled from the religious community by the pastors and elders, the antichrist forces. But even though Lin Bo'en was attacked, convicted, and framed, he did not shrink back in fear. Rather, his faith became more resolute than ever, and this led him to finally understand that the pastors and elders of the religious world were faking a virtuous appearance.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Praise the Salvation of the Incarnate God | Praise and Worship "Chinese ...

Songs Of Choir

1. The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation

2. God Descends With Judgment

The flesh of man has been corrupted by Satan, and most deeply blinded, and profoundly harmed. The most fundamental reason why God works personally in the flesh is because the object of His salvation is man, who is of the flesh, and because Satan also uses the flesh of man to disturb the work of God. The battle with Satan is actually the work of conquering man, and at the same time, man is also the object of God’s salvation. In this way, the work of God incarnate is essential.