Sunday, January 6, 2019

God’s Word Is My Strength

By Jingnian, Canada

I have followed my family’s belief in the Lord since I was a child, and often read the Bibleand attended meetings. After I got married, I passed the gospel of the Lord Jesus on to my mother-in-law, and after my mother-in-law began believing in the Lord, she no longer lost her temper when things happened or acted entirely on her own whims in the things she did, and the relationships in our family began to improve. My husband saw the change in his mother, so he also began believing in the Lord in 2015, and went to church with me every week. When I saw that my family was at peace after accepting the Lord’s gospel, I knew that this was the Lord’s grace, and I thanked the Lord from the bottom of my heart.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Only God's Intimates Are Worthy of Serving Him

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words
Only God's Intimates
Are Worthy of Serving Him
Those who serve God
should be His intimates,
be loved by God and be loyal to Him.
Whether in front of
or behind others you act,
God's joy you are able to gain
and you'll stand firm before God.
No matter how others treat you,
you will walk your own path,
give your cares to God's burden.
This is being an intimate of God.
This is being an intimate of God.
God's intimates are His confidants.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Seek to Love God No Matter How Great Your Suffering

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words
Seek to Love God
No Matter How Great Your Suffering
The faithful in China face so much
persecution and hardship.
Most people
don't understand God's will,
thinking suffering is valueless:
They're oppressed for their faith,
rejected by the world,
their homes are troubled too,
their future all too bleak,
all too bleak.
The suffering of some
becomes too much,
so much that they want to die.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Western Scholars Gather in Seoul for The Church of Almighty God’s Premiering Photo Exhibit

October 24, 2018, The Church of Almighty God held its first photo exhibition in Seoul, South Korea with the theme of “The birth and development of The Church of Almighty God,” drawing eleven experts and scholars from seven countries including the USA, Canada, England, France, and Italy to attend and explore the exhibit. Massimo Introvigne, who is an Italian sociologist and the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), France’s Bernadette Rigal-Cellard, professor of North American Studies at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, Canadian sociologist and author Susan Jean Palmer, and others raised questions on Almighty God’s work of the last days, and several Christians who accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days in its early period provided detailed answers to each one of them. They also shared their feelings and understandings from undergoing Almighty God’s work and words with the guests.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christian Marriage: Marital Harmony Is No Longer an Issue

By Wang Ran, Singapore

A Beautiful Dream

When she was single, Wang Ran always held on to a beautiful dream—the hope that after getting married, she and her husband would get along harmoniously, show mutual tolerance, be by each other’s sides for life, and grow old together. At that time Wang Ran had a great deal of confidence in herself; she felt that she was a person of good character who got along well with others. But reality did not play out as Wang Ran wished—after getting married, the myriad conflicts that cropped up in her life with her husband slowly ate away at her dream …

Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | I Have Come Home (Part 2)

By Chu Keen Pong, Malaysia

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
I Have Come Home (Part 2)


The next day, March 12, I felt a kind of indistinct hope and ineffable excitement. This was because I had mostly discussed the “Son of man” with Susan the night before, and had talked about the “incarnation” as well. Even though I could draw a connection between the ‘Son of man’ and the ‘incarnation,’ and could know in theory that the Lord Jesus is none other than the incarnate Christ, I still wanted to know the answers to questions such as what the incarnation truly is, what Christ is, on what basis one could say with certainty that God has become incarnate, and so on. But since Susan and I both had work during the day and were only free in the evening, I just hoped that time would move a bit more quickly.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | I Have Come Home (Part 1)

By Chu Keen Pong, Malaysia

God’s Wonderful Orchestration and Guidance

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
I Have Come Home (Part 1)

I have believed in the Lord for more than ten years and served in the church for two years, then left the church to go abroad for work. I have been to many places including Singapore and have earned a lot of money, but in this existence in modern society, where the strong prey on the weak, and where people compete with and scheme against each other, where each person tries to outdo the other in treachery, I have faced innumerable complex interpersonal relations and was always on my guard against others. They were also on their guard against me, and this gave me the feeling the whole time in the depths of my heart that I couldn’t find any stable ground to stand on. This way of life made me feel exhausted in body and spirit. The only thing that offered me any consolation was the diary I carried with me in which I kept some pages of scriptures I had excerpted. Sometimes I would read them and they would fill in the emptiness in my spirit.