Showing posts with label About the Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About the Bible. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2018

No Matter Whether I Receive Blessings or Suffer Adversities, I Will Resolutely Follow Almighty God

 No Matter Whether I Receive Blessings or Suffer Adversities, I Will Resolutely Follow Almighty God

Wei Junxiu

Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,the church
 No Matter Whether I Receive Blessings or Suffer Adversities, I Will Resolutely Follow Almighty God

I turned to the Lord through grace in 1987. After turning to the Lord, I pursued very hard. I, together with some brothers and sisters who loved the Lord, often went to various places to preach the gospel, served the Lord zealously, and also attended various kinds of training. We all pursued to suffer for the Lord and be martyred for the Lord. I also once made a resolution before the Lord: I will put my everything on the altar to be burned and will serve the Lord all my life. Later, I became a key co-worker in “the Old Local Church,” and the scope of my work was Heilongjiang Province. And later, it extended to Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, and other places.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last——Eastern Lightning

The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last

Guan Chao

Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last

I was formerly a co-worker in the “Justification by Faith Church.” In February 1992, I turned to the Lord. Later, I made a resolution before the Lord that I would devote all my life to Him. Since then, I pursued hard. I never missed any church meetings or Bible study meetings. In 1994, I became a preacher in the church, and in 1996, I began to preach in the co-workers’ meetings. So, I thought that I was most faithful to the Lord and was approved by the Lord. But I had never expected that when the Lord did His new work, I became a Pharisee of the present age, who crucified the returned Lord.

How I Accepted Almighty God’s New Work

How I Accepted Almighty God’s New Work

Wang Xiufang

Fushun City, Liaoning Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
How I Accepted Almighty God’s New Work

In 1991, I believed in the Lord Jesus in the Seven-day Adventist Church. The church was greatly revived in the first couple of years. The number of the believers gradually increased, and at peak time, it reached several thousand. As a co-worker of the church, I busied myself working for the Lord every day, waiting for the Lord’s advent.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

God’s Discipline Drove Me to Seek and His Words Conquered Me——Eastern Lightning

God’s Discipline Drove Me to Seek and His Words Conquered Me

Xin Yu

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
God’s Discipline Drove Me to Seek and His Words Conquered Me

I was once a worker of the “Justification by Faith Church.” Since I believed in Jesus in 1987, I had expected that one day I would be received up into heaven by the Lord and enjoy the heavenly blessings. However, when the Lord “knocked” on my door, I took Him as a deceiver from Satan and condemned and resisted Him with all my effort. When I recall the past, I feel very regretful…

It Could Not Repay My Indebtedness to God Even If I Were Torn Limb From Limb——Eastern Lightning

It Could Not Repay My Indebtedness to God Even If I Were Torn Limb From Limb

Yao Qingping

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
It Could Not Repay My Indebtedness to God Even If I Were Torn Limb From Limb

My name is Yao Qingping. I believed in Jesus in 1992. Later I became a leader in China Gospel Fellowship, shepherding more than six hundred people. In 1998, I heard some rumors about “Eastern Lightning” from my upper co-worker, which said, “They are of an underworld organization and they have no clear boundaries between the two sexes. They will receive 150,000 yuan if they convert a leader and 20,000 yuan an ordinary believer. If one withdraws after accepting their way, they will break his legs, disfigure his face, or cut off his ears. …” Hearing these rumors that could not stand up, I believed them without making any discernment and couldn’t help feeling hatred toward the believers in “Eastern Lightning.” After I went back to the church, I wantonly spread the rumors I had heard and said angrily, “They say that God has come, and they have even changed the name of Jesus, saying that the name is Almighty God. These are pure lies. Never believe them. If anyone comes to your home to preach, don’t let him in. If he gives you books, never read them. Hand them over to the church to be burned together.” From then on, I began to rush about “guarding the flock” and regarded the preachers of Almighty God as enemies. As a result, I committed many conscienceless and hair-raising crimes.

Friday, February 23, 2018

I Struggled in Sin and Repented Before the Truth——Eastern Lightning

 I Struggled in Sin and Repented Before the Truth

Zhang Yuhong

Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,the church
 I Struggled in Sin and Repented Before the Truth

I was once a leader of the Local Church. In August of 2000, I attended a co-workers’ training in Henan Province, during which I heard some rumors about Almighty God’s work of the last days, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. In early September, I went to Fuxin City, where I heard the upper leaders say, “There is now a new sect called the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ It is the most evil ‘heresy,’ ‘cult,’ in the world. They no longer believe in the Lord Jesus and claim that God’s name has changed to ‘Almighty God.’ It’s exactly the false Christ prophesied in the Bible.” Hearing these, I believed them to be true. As I always obeyed the leaders’ orders, I said many blasphemous words with them. And I told the brothers and sisters in our church, “We must be on strict guard against the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ Without the church’s permission, you can’t receive anyone. If you see the people of the ‘Eastern Lightning,’ inform me immediately.”

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I Regret All My Life that I Resisted Almighty God

I Regret All My Life that I Resisted Almighty God

Cao Zhengqing

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
 I Regret All My Life that I Resisted Almighty God

I was formerly a shepherding worker of the “Hua Xuehe sect.” At the end of 1997, the leader said in a meeting, “Now there is a ‘Reaper Church.’ They believe in a ‘queen,’ who is called Almighty God. It’s a mafia, which has guns and cannons and pays its members. If you don’t accept their way after listening to their message, they will kill your whole family! …” Hearing this, I said at once, “The Bible doesn’t say God is female. It must be a false Christ, a deceiver!” After the meeting, I called the church workers together and conveyed every word of the leader to them. And I told them again and again, “No one can listen to Almighty God’s message! Whoever listens is an apostate and will be expelled at once!” Even so, I was still worried, and I often went to inspect the churches in case some believers would listen to the message of Almighty God.

I, a Stubborn and Disobedient Person, Have Finally Been Conquered by God’s Word——Eastern Lightning

 I, a Stubborn and Disobedient Person, Have Finally Been Conquered by God’s Word

Guo Yumei

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
 I, a Stubborn and Disobedient Person, Have Finally Been Conquered by God’s Word

My name is Guo Yumei. I was formerly an area leader of the Church of Truth, in charge of over 150 churches of several cities and regions around Shenyang City, in which there were over 300 co-workers and over 10,000 believers. Over the years, I had been rushing about among the churches, doing the work of administering, shepherding, watering, training, communicating, and so on.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God

I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God

Wei Wei

Zhoukou City, Henan Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,the church
I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Word of Almighty God

I was once a co-worker of the “Justification by Faith Church.” In those years, I read many materials of slandering and blaspheming the “Eastern Lightning” and heard many rumors that defamed this way, such as these: “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a false Christ, a deceiver, and if anyone withdraws from them after accepting it, they will gouge out his eyes or break his legs;” “There is poison in their books, and one will be ‘under a spell’ and follow them muddleheaded after reading the books;” and so on. So, I hated the followers of the “Eastern Lightning” to the core and avoided them like the plague. To prevent the brothers and sisters from being deceived and prove my loyalty to the Lord, I did my utmost to spread rumors, and I often warned the believers: Be cautious of the “Eastern Lightning”; never receive strangers!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God——Eastern Lightning

The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God

Zhang Xuejun

Nehe City, Heilongjiang Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,The Church
The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God

I was formerly a co-worker of the Cross Church. I received a lot of grace after I turned to the Lord. Because of that, I pursued very zealously and made a resolution before the Lord that I would serve Him all my life. Two years later, I began to preach and often went to other counties to support the churches. At that time, I felt that believing in the Lord was so great and so meaningful.

Friday, February 16, 2018

I Fell in the Light of Almighty God

 I Fell in the Light of Almighty God

Zhou Liwei

Bei’an City, Heilongjiang Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,The Church
 I Fell in the Light of Almighty God

I was a church leader of the Pentecostal Church in Bei’an City. I turned to the Lord by grace in 1993. Since then, reading the Bible had been my great pleasure. Several months later, I began to teach hymns and give sermons in my church. I always reckoned myself as a loyal believer of the Lord, who was most worthy to see the Lord in the future. However, when the Lord truly came, I became one who resisted His new work.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Believing Rumors Led to a Lifelong Regret——Eastern Lightning

 Believing Rumors Led to a Lifelong Regret

Zhu Lin

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,The Church
Believing Rumors Led to a Lifelong Regret

I was formerly a middle-level leader in “Pentecostal Church.” One day in December 1999, I received from our General Assembly a booklet entitled “Resisting the Temptation from the ‘Eastern Lightning.’” It said, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a heresy, a cult, which claims that the Lord has been incarnated as a female. It’s a mafia. If you refuse to join them after hearing their messages, they will gouge your eyes, cut off your nose, break your arms or legs. And they are promiscuous…” After reading these words, I accepted them as true without thought and immediately called the co-workers together for a meeting. At the meeting, I wantonly spread the words in the booklet, and emphasized that every co-worker must hammer them into all the believers so that they could have discernment and resist the “Eastern Lightning.” And I also made a rule: No one is allowed to receive strangers; whoever disobeys will be expelled. Despite this, I still felt worried, and I often went to the churches for a public or private investigation, ensuring that no believer would accept the “Eastern Lightning.”

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Foolish Me Woke Up At Last——Eastern Lightning

The Foolish Me Woke Up At Last

Li Wei

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,The Church
The Foolish Me Woke Up At Last

I was once a believer of the “Praise Church.” At the end of 1998, our leader warned us again and again in a meeting, “Now some people are preaching that the Lord has returned in the flesh. You must never believe it. It’s precisely a false way! It’s a false Christ, a deceiver! Because the Lord will come on the white cloud, and we all can see Him. Just as Revelation 1:7 says, ‘Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him….’” Hearing this, I thought, “Leader Liu has believed in the Lord for a long time and knows much about the Bible. It must be right to listen to him.” Since then, I strictly observed the leader’s words. I shut the door on the brothers and sisters time after time who came to preach Almighty God to me. Leader Liu showed more “care” for me than before and often came to my home to “water” me. So I assured him, “Brother Liu, you can rest assured! I only listen to you and follow you to the end. I will never believe in the false way! …”

I Woke Up Under Almighty God’s Discipline and Was Convinced by His Word

I Woke Up Under Almighty God’s Discipline and Was Convinced by His Word

Li Qiang

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,The Church
I Woke Up Under Almighty God’s Discipline and Was Convinced by His Word

I used to be a leader of the preaching group of the “Praise Church.” As I was good at preaching and singing, was equipped with a great deal of biblical knowledge, and had the gift of “healing the sick and driving out demons,” the brothers and sisters looked up to me very much. In February of 1997, at a co-workers’ meeting, the pastor told us, “Now, there has arisen a sect called the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ They claim that God has done a new work, believers needn’t read the Bible anymore, and the Lord Jesus’ name has changed to Almighty God. They are deluding the Lord’s lambs everywhere. If you join them, you cannot possibly get out. You must be on your guard and keep a good watch on the churches! … ” Hearing that, I made a judgment rashly: They, as believers in the Lord, don’t read the Bible and dare to change the Lord Jesus’ name. It’s definitely a heresy, a cult. After I came back, I immediately called the important co-workers of the churches together and had a three-day meeting. I injected into them all that the pastor said and fabricated rumors to seal off the churches, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a cult joined with a mafia. If you want to withdraw from it after joining it, they will gouge your eyes, cut off your ears, or even kill your whole family…” Because of my frenzied resistance, God’s work was seriously hindered in our area.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Holding the Book of God’s Word in Hands, I Shed Floods of Tears——Eastern Lightning

Holding the Book of God’s Word in Hands, I Shed Floods of Tears

—A Repentance Before the Coffin

Liu Jie

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,The Church
 Holding the Book of God’s Word in Hands, I Shed Floods of Tears

I turned my face outward and saw that my coffin and shroud were there ready-made. When the moment I slipped my breath came, I would be put into them. Despair and loneliness welled up in me all at once. “I’m done! I’m done! I’m only in my forties. I’m very unwilling to die like this!” I looked out the window to the blue sky, tears wetting my pillow… Just at the moment I was at my last gasp and was dying, Almighty God stretched out His loving hands to me and conquered me by His powerful and authoritative words, so that I was revived in mind and body and gained a new life. Facing God’s great grace, I bitterly hated myself for grievous disobedience and great resistance. Thousands of words couldn’t express my great indebtedness to God. Thank Almighty God for giving me this opportunity to tell my personal experience of how I resisted God, suffered God’s punishment, and received God’s salvation. I hope all brothers and sisters will learn a lesson from it and not follow my footsteps…

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Almighty God’s Word Saved Me

 Almighty God’s Word Saved Me

Chen Wenge

Benxi City, Liaoning Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,The Church
Almighty God’s Word Saved Me

I was once a preacher in the True Jesus Church. In October 1998, I accepted Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. When I knew that Almighty God I had resisted and slandered was the returned Savior Jesus whom I had been eagerly waiting for, I was very regretful and hated myself for being arrogant and not seeking the truth and thus becoming a Pharisee of the present age. It was Almighty God’s word that saved me and made me step onto the right track of believing in God and start a true human life.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Almighty God’s Word Turned Me away from the Evil Way

Almighty God’s Word Turned Me away from the Evil Way

Wang Yu

Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,The Church
 Almighty God’s Word Turned Me away from the Evil Way

I was once an ordinary believer of the Local Church. After I believed in the Lord, I pursued hard for gaining His commendation. However, later I was deceived by the rumors and became a sinner who resisted God’s work of the last days. While I was resisting Almighty God’s work of the last days crazily, Almighty God’s great love came upon me, and He saved me, a heinous sinner, with His word from my evil way, and thereby I could truly step onto the right track of believing in God.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Almighty God’s Love Is So Real

Almighty God’s Love Is So Real

Chen Yunfeng

Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,The Church
Almighty God’s Love Is So Real

In 1990, my wife and I found grace in the sight of the Lord and returned to Him. We both pursued hard, and a year later, I was selected as a co-worker in the Family Church of the Truth. Starting from April 2001, there were people preaching God’s work of the last days to me. In more than two years, those who preached the new work preached to me numerous times. But I rejected them all, for I had long heard from the leaders above that they believed in a “heresy,” a “cult,” and were a group of gangsters. I hated them to the bones, and resolutely refused to accept their way no matter what they said. And I went to the meeting places with other brothers to distribute adverse materials. We wantonly spread that the “Eastern Lightning” was a “cult,” a “heresy,” and a mafia, and they would gouge out people’s eyes or cut off their ears if they didn’t accept their way, and if they wanted to back out after accepting it, they would break their legs. We frightened the brothers and sisters by many alarmist words. As a result, they were so scared that none dared to accept Almighty God’s new work. Moreover, when I heard that anyone in the church had accepted the way, I would go with other brothers to denounce them, and if they didn’t turn back, we would expel them.

Monday, February 5, 2018

A Confession by a Son of Sin——The Church of Almighty God

A Confession by a Son of Sin

Liang Meihua

Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,The Church
A Confession by a Son of Sin

Your kind attention and your last admonition awake me from my deep sleep for years
My unatonable transgressions are a painful memory for me striking my conscience
Being at a loss I pray to you with trembling searching my heart with bitter repentance

Saturday, February 3, 2018

I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word——Eastern Lightning

 I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word

Li Jing

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,The Church
I Get Free from Man’s Control Under the Leading of God’s Word

I had been a co-worker of the “Praise Church.” Since I believed in the Lord in 1988, I had believed that by listening to the leaders, I would surely be approved by God and go to heaven in the future, as they knew more things than others and had a rich knowledge of the Bible. So, whatever the upper leaders instructed me to do, I would listen to and obey it without the slightest negligence. In 1996, the leader said, “Now, there is a sect called the ‘Eastern Lightning,’ and it is very rampant. Anyone who has contact with its followers will be captivated. Now many people have turned to them. In future, we mustn’t receive any strangers…” Since then, I conveyed the leader’s “order” faithfully and took the lead to carry it out in the church. An unfamiliar sister came to preach God’s work of the last days to me many times, and each time she came, she helped me with the field work. Yet I either avoided her or said harsh words to insult her. But that didn’t stop her from coming to preach to me persistently. Once, when we were having a meeting, she came again. I abused her before all others, “Get away, you devil! I bind Satan in the name of the Lord!” With that, I pushed and shoved her out of the door together with several other believers, and I threw her bike in a deep puddle by the roadside. In the end, she picked it up with the help of the unbelievers. Just in that way, with the leader’s instruction “don’t receive strangers” kept in my mind, I shut the door on God’s salvation of the last days time and time again. However, what happened later greatly exceeded my expectation.